Jennifer and Darrin

Dansville, NY


Investigators on site: Jennifer, Tracy and Tim. Along with guests, Jennifer, Darrin and Chris

History of property:
House built between 1925-1928. Original property dates back to the 1700’s, which shows that is was used as a nursery, and also a vineyard at some time. There was a house fire in the 1950’s, evident of a chimney fire from the evidence in the attic area. There is no documentation that can be found on this incident so far in the search. The current owners have lived in this home for a year and there have been extensive renovations to this house within the past 4 years.

Claims of activity:

Here is a brief summary of what we found and recorded:

We started our investigation with a lot of ground to cover. We started with a level of animosity on the side of one of the spirits it seemed, as the following clip conveys. This was a mere 10 minutes into our investigation and from the attic, we hear a man say “get out of this house”.  

We also recorded a lot of movement in the attic, that includes boards squeaking and footsteps. There is not a regular floor in the attic, only beams to walk across, and it sounds as if there is someone walking with heavy boots or shoes.

Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC) using the spirit box:

The following clips do not need to have a description listed for each as we state in them what we are hearing.

At this point we were glad to see that the animosity had seemed to have dissipated and that spirit has decided that he would communicate with us. Between us and the client, we agreed that the voices sound the same and that we were speaking with the same man.



We have a couple video clips that show a small energy ball. I classify it this way, because this is not a typical orb. We were investigating in a room that has no heating duct vents in it, and it was also the middle of winter. We watched these clips numerous times and have determined that this is not dust or a bug or anything that we can explain. We will not jump and say that this is paranormal, but we can not determine what it is.

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TWPG has been invited to continue this investigation and try to uncover some missing puzzle pieces.